Regenwoud Dieren | Rainforest Animals

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Op deze blog / website kan je enkele van de prachtige en vreemde wezens terug vinden die op onze aarde leven. Ze komen voor in alle delen van de wereld van Tasmanië tot Galapagos eilanden, van Afrika tot Nieuw-Siberische eilanden. De makers van de blog hopen dat de kijkers zullen genieten van deze unieke verzameling van dieren voorkomen in oerwouden over heel de wereld. Quote
“There is always a cause for what exists in nature, no matter how strange it may seem to us. When we fail to find that cause, we have failed to understand the truth which underlies the existence of that which we are observing. To some this is the greatest beauty of the natural world: that form and function complement each other so perfectly.”

Hier zijn een paar foto’s van deze prachtige vreemde wezens:

On this blog/website you can some of the wonderful and strange creatures that inhabit our earth. They are found in all parts of the globe from Tasmania to Galapagos islands, from Africa to New Siberian islands. They hope that viewers will enjoy meeting these unique members of the rain-forest world in their website. Quote
“There is always a cause for what exists in nature, no matter how strange it may seem to us. When we fail to find that cause, we have failed to understand the truth which underlies the existence of that which we are observing. To some this is the greatest beauty of the natural world: that form and function complement each other so perfectly.”

Here are a few pictures of these wonderful strange creatures:

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